Mitsubishi Electric India, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation will acquire a stake in Indian software startup Gervigreind Data Science (Itanta Analytics) to jointly develop and sell no-code data-analysis and report-generation applications.
Under a collaboration agreement, Mitsubishi Electric plans to strengthen its FA digital solutions business and contribute to the digitalization of manufacturing sites by combining its factory automation (FA) equipment and FA solution software with its new partner’s cost- and time-saving applications.
Specifically, the applications will be combined with Mitsubishi Electric’s FA equipment and GENESIS64TM, a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software developed by ICONICS, Inc., a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Mitsubishi Electric.
The goal is to realize digital solutions using systems developed through simple no-code engineering. Leveraging its partner’s extensive application expertise, Mitsubishi Electric plans to further grow its FA digital solutions business globally.